Katsugen undo,
the participation of the conscious
in the spontaneous movement


Katsugen is a resource through which our revolutionary human nature allows us to follow our spontaneous movement with our own consciousness. When we practice katsugen, our conscious pays attention to the spontaneous movement of our CVPs. Since katsugen is the expression of the five oseis + and -, its practice allows us to restore the strength of the different energetic activities in our organisms: motor, biological, and psychic.

The spontaneous movement stops when death occurs. From the very moment we are born, this movement is what enables us to restore the coordination of our CVPs when they are blocked. In the course of our lives we gradually lose this specific capacity as our excessive partial tension (EPT) increases and consequently, the dissociation between our spontaneous and our dressed conscious grows.
Each one of us knows that we have often recovered our vitality and our health thanks to the spontaneous movement of our organisms: yawning, burping, vomit that rid us of some spoiled food we have ingested, movements we are unaware we make but they enable us to restore the vitality in those areas of our bodies that feel tired, the way we instinctively react to avoid danger, some association of ideas that allows us to recover the joy of living, and so on.

Noguchi noticed the restoring capacity of the spontaneous movement of our CVPs and he suggested the practice of the activity which he called katsugen undo.

We can start practising katsugen either through some preparatory exercises or by just letting the spontaneous movement out. We just have to find some pleasant and automatic movement that involves the C (cranium), the V (vertebrae), and the P (pelvis).
Sometimes the movement that arises from the practice of katsugen is very dynamic whereas other times it can be close to static. The A tension that has been stagnated as a result of not being able to satisfy its desire gets reactivated and so are those organic areas where the width of the movement had decreased. This renewed capacity of movement of the tissues and organs restores the correct function of their biological activities. At the same time, memories, sensations, feelings, and ideas related to the frustrated desire appear in our psyche.

As a result of having the width of the movement of the cells-tissues restored, our organisms start a process of cleansing that enables us to eliminate those toxic substances that we had been accumulating. This means that our internal organs can now function normally and our psyche recovers its natural sensitivity.

Throughout this progressive coordination among the different parts of our CVPs, we feel how those areas that were extremely tense relax, whereas other areas that were weak get activated. Also, we gradually become aware that the EPT tends to accumulate always in the same physical or organic areas of our bodies. This enables us to identify the psyche that usually gets overexcited and which is no other than our predominant psyche. Both these body areas and this psyche define our own taiheki. This type of perception enables us to regain the natural association between our spontaneous and our dressed conscious by opening an internal dialogue within our conscious and among the different non-conscious activities of our organisms.

Thus, we recover the flexibility that we had forgotten or lost when facing different situations in our lives. This flexibility allows us:

  • to live more accordingly with our own nature,
  • have a new and broader perception of reality and of our relation with the others understand,
  • and respect everybody else’s spontaneous manifestation as well as our own.